Rule 34 cooking companions
Rule 34 cooking companions

Mankind is not meant to have entered this world solely in order to eat, drink, sleep, seek pleasure or act lustfully, and then to die and be destroyed. As such the true purpose of marriage for the human race is of a different kind. What has been dealt with so far in this chapter has been only the worldly and animalistic side of marriage which the animals also share: the Benefits of companionship and reproduction.

rule 34 cooking companions

"Imam Rida (a.s) stated: 'The greatest gain for a man is a faithful woman who, when she sees him, becomes happy and protects his property and her own honor in his absence'." 4 "The Prophet of Allah (swt) stated: 'Whoever chooses to follow my tradition must get married and produce offspring through marriage (and increase the population of Muslims) so that on the day of resurrection I shall confront other Ummah (nations) with the (great) numbers of my Ummah'.'" 3 "Imam Ali (a.s) stated: 'Engage in marriage because this is the tradition of the Prophet (S) of Allah'." 2 "The Prophet (S) stated: 'There is no better structure founded in Islam other than marriage'." 1 "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves." ( 30:21). The Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur'an: Children are the result of marriage and are important factors in stabilizing the family foundations as well as a source of real joy to their parents.Ī great deal of emphasis has been given in the Holy Qur'an and the Traditions to both marriage and having children. (3) Reproduction: Through marriage the procreation of mankind is continued. Such disorders and certain social problems are a direct consequence of the abstinence of youth from marriage. Those who abstain from marriage often suffer from both physical and psychological disorders. Everyone should enjoy sexual satisfaction in a correct and proper manner. Everyone should have a partner for satisfying their sexual needs in a secure and serene environment. (2) The natural sexual desire is both strong and significant. Marriage serves as a shelter for anyone who feels lost in the wilderness of life one can find a partner in life who would share one's joy and sorrow. A person who is not married resembles a bird without a nest. (1) The formation of a family through which one can find security and peace of mind. It bears many good outcomes of which the most important ones are: Marriage is a natural necessity for every human being.

Rule 34 cooking companions